A Guide to Family Travel in the United Kingdom

When planning a family city vacation, it is always a challenge finding a good destination and itinerary that satisfies both the kids and adults. Paris is routinely popular as is New York. But with easy direct flight access from every major US airport, and lots of great kids’ activities, London is a perfect family getaway … Continued

Exploring South Africa: Safari, the Winelands, & Cape Town

Marchay Senior Advisor and Director of Operations, Elyssa Roberts, recently visited to South Africa. She shares her insights and recommendations to our valued community on this beautiful country, whose diversity of experiences, high quality food and accommodations, and accessibility make it an ideal African destination for adventurous luxury travelers and families. Why visit? The best … Continued

Keeping up with Dubai, the Emirates’ Answer to Miami

Marchay Travel Advisor, Anna Clara Lee, recently returned from Dubai. She shares the latest updates on this global hotspot, which got an additional adrenaline boost during the Pandemic. Highlights include her stay at Atlantis the Royal, details on Emirate’s Stopover Program, and the must-do activities when visiting the city. WHAT’S NEW IN DUBAI?  Short answer: … Continued

Dolomites Ski Getaway

At the start of 2023, Anna Clara Lee, one of Marchay’s Travel Managers, took a ski trip to the Dolomites. Below she shares her insights and recommendations to our valued community. Indeed, while this region is a little difficult to reach, the effort is well worth it for the exceptional skiing, food, beauty and culture. … Continued

Val d’Isere, a ski resort with….everything

Jon Ein, Marchay’s Chairman, lived in Paris for many years and is an avid skier. While in Europe, he tried different mountains but kept coming back to Val d’Isere. Now living near Washington, DC, Jon goes back to Val d’Isere every January and recently returned. Here he shares his favorite places and tips, and tells … Continued

Rio Olympics: Fasano VS. Copacabana Palace

Travelers to Rio could easily be put into one of two camps: Fasano or Copacabana Palace. The style and culture of these hotels are so distinct that the traveler’s natural home should be clear. The adventurous will be rewarded, however, by crossing the tribal divide to experience how two very different types of hotels can give … Continued

The Myth of Travel Discounts

“The bizarre world of Internet discounts let retailers and brands assert that you are getting a stupendous deal because someone, somewhere else – exactly where is never explained – is being charged much more.” Some online bargains may only look like one NY Times, April 13, 2016 Amazon recently announced that it was ending “list pricing” in its product displays … Continued

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